We have been married for nearly 15 years and have three beautiful human children and four furry ones. Roll back five years, and from the outside it would have seemed as though we had a pretty perfect life; we had the successful careers, the home, the children, the cars, the holidays – pretty much all the aspirational boxes of a ‘happy’ life neatly checked off. We were also lucky enough to have found in each other deep friendship, respect, compatibility and genuine care and love.
And yet, what is clear to us both now is that we weren’t truly happy. We weren’t able to speak our full truth, share our hearts, or be open about what we really wanted. We weren’t living in honest alignment with who we actually are as opposed to the versions of ourselves we’d created via our domestication and need to survive a world all too often dominated by a culture of scarcity, competition, fear of failure and conformity.
Coming to terms with this has been no easy journey and there has been much messiness, heartache, angst and tears along the way. We had to face a great deal of pain, sit with some very uncomfortable conversations, and make many tough, and at times, agonising decisions.
But in doing so we learnt in the deepest and most profound manner that the only way is through. Avoiding, denying, not doing the hard work, not asking for support are simply not options. As cheesy as it sounds, it really is true; “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
Five years later our lives look and feel radically different – both on the outside and the inside. We have uncovered aspects of ourselves and taken actions that we would never in our wildest dreams have believed possible. We have created lives of freedom, peace, love and possibility – both together and separately – and have found a way to tune into and allow the intelligence behind life to guide us in a way that has had an incredible impact on our wellbeing.
We bring a diverse combination of experience in business, psychology, leadership, and personal development to provide a unique perspective and comprehensive support across a wide spectrum of issues and situations. Our approach is grounded in the belief that no matter the circumstances, the answers are available to each individual. We prioritise the human aspect in our approach, helping you unlock your own innate wisdom and resources to find solutions that work for you.
Our goal is to create a safe and supportive space where you can explore your challenges and opportunities, gain insights, and develop the skills and strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. With us by your side, you can feel confident that you have a trusted partner to guide and empower you on your journey of growth and transformation.
About Matthew
As a purpose-led coach, leader, father, and partner, I believe in the potential within all of us. My passion lies in helping people unlock what’s possible and achieve amazing things, whether that be in personal relationships, organizations, or teams.
With my experience as a senior leader, director, and board member in both large corporations and smaller purpose-driven organisations across Europe and North America, I have gained a deep understanding of how to bring out the best in people, build great teams and cultures, and align my morals and principles into organizations, allowing me to be my authentic self.
The foundation of how I work is based on:
- Integrity and truth
- Doing the right thing
- Seeing the light in people
My journey began in a place where I never felt like I belonged. I was constantly trying to fit in, molding myself into the person I thought I should be in order to be a great employee, partner, friend, and father. I was always afraid that who I really was wasn’t good enough.
Through some life-changing realizations, I discovered that hiding my true nature was holding me back, making me unhappy, and stopping me from living a happy, full, and purposeful life. When I trusted myself, my wisdom, and my beliefs, I became more impactful, happier, and more fulfilled. It was uncomfortable at first, feeling vulnerable without the layers of “armor” that I had built up . But as I learned to lean into what felt right and push past the voices that told me “you can’t do this,” I made life choices that I once thought were impossible. And every time, I chose to live free. My relationship with Nicola transformed, and we are now more connected, aligned, and loving than ever before.
About Nicola
I’m a psychologist, wellbeing and relationship expert, ex-bulimic, ex-chronic anxiety sufferer, author, writer, poet, Mum of three children, one dog and three cats – all of whom Matthew and I are raising and unschooling at our home near Sandwich, East Kent, UK.
Even as a very young girl I knew I wanted to understand and help people, and I have always been deeply curious about how the mind works, the keys to mental health, and how to create and maintain healthy, healing relationships.
I was naturally drawn to study Psychology and Counselling, and looking back, I can see that my long academic career and multifarious therapeutic trainings was, in part, a continual search to find more satisfying answers.
But it wasn’t until six years ago when I stumbled across a completely new (to me) understanding of how human beings create their experience (The Three Principles) that I felt truly excited.
I realised that the disconcerting feeling something was missing – that I’d had from every degree and training and course – was spot on! I had been right to query why the theories didn’t seem to help or apply to everyone, or why certain techniques helped a lot…until they inexplicably just didn’t.
I came to see that there is a very much more simplified way of understanding who we are and where our experience comes from; a way that beautifully blends the psychological, spiritual and practical aspects of our humanness in a manner that rarely fails to deeply resonate. It has impacted my life at all leve